
👋 New syntax

You are viewing the documentation for the new Components syntax introduced in v4.4.0. Not ready to switch yet? See the legacy Components docs.

Components help you organize blocks of markup into files that can be referenced throughout your project with simple, declarative syntax.


To create a Component, add an HTML file in src/components:

<content />

The <content /> tag will be replaced with the content passed to the Component.


There are two ways to use Components:

  • through the x-tag syntax
  • through the <component> tag


Component names are automatically registered and can be used without having to specify their file path, by using a Blade-like syntax: start with the string x- followed by the kebab-case name of the component file.

For example, let's use the alert.html Component we created earlier:

This text will replace the `content` tag in the Component.

The following naming convention is used:

Component filex-tag syntax

As you can see, the second and last examples are not very readable, which is why we recommend using a nested file structure instead.

<component> tag

Alternatively, you may use the <component> tag to insert a Component:

<component src="src/components/alert.html">
This text will replace the `content` tag in the Component.

The src attribute is mandatory and it needs to point to the Component's file path, relative to the project root.

Nested file structure

If a Component is nested deeper within your src/components directory, you can reference it through dot notation.

For example, consider the following Component:

<a href="">
<content />

You may reference it like this:

Go to website

The nested folder path comes after x-, and the file name comes after the dot.

Index files

If you add an index.html Component inside a nested directory, you can also reference it without its file name part:

<a href="">
<content />

Both of these will work and use the same button/index.html Component:

Go to website
Go to website


A Component may define slots, which act as placeholders that can be replaced (filled) with code when you use it.

For example, let's create a banner Component with a slot for a custom title:

<div role="banner">
<slot:title />
<content />

We can use it like this:

<h2>This is the title</h2>
<p>This is the content</p>

The result will be:

<div role="banner">
<h2>This is the title</h2>
<p>This is the content</p>

Default content

A slot may have default content, which will be used if it hasn't been filled.

<div role="banner">
<slot:title>Default title</slot:title>
<content />


You may prepend content to a slot by using the prepend attribute on the <fill> tag.

<fill:title prepend>Hello, </fill:title>
<p>This is the content</p>

With our default slot:title example, that would result in:

<div role="banner">
<h2>Hello, Default title</h2>
<p>This is the content</p>


You may also append content to a slot by using the append attribute on the <fill> tag.

<fill:title append>, what a name!</fill:title>
<p>This is the content</p>

With our default slot:title example, that would result in:

<div role="banner">
<h2>Default title, what a name!</h2>
<p>This is the content</p>

Check if a slot is filled

You may check if a slot has been filled by using the $slots variable in a Component.

For example, let's create a <x-footer> Component that will pull in another Component based on whether a copyright slot has been filled or not:

<content />
<if condition="$slots.copyright?.filled">
<!-- src/components/copyright.html -->
<x-copyright />


You may push content to named stacks that can be rendered in other Components.

For example, imagine you're coding a Shopify email template and need to add some Liquid code at the very top of the HTML, before the doctype.

You would modify your Layout to include a stack tag:

<stack name="liquid-vars" />
<!doctype html>
<style>{{{ page.css }}}</style>
<slot:template />

You may then push content to that stack from a Template:

<push name="liquid-vars">
{% capture email_title %} Your shopping cart is waiting for you {% endcapture %}
<!-- your email HTML... -->


{% capture email_title %} Your shopping cart is waiting for you {% endcapture %}
<!doctype html>
<!-- etc. -->


You may use the once attribute on the <push> tag to only push content once in a rendering cycle. This is useful if you're rendering the Component in a loop and want to make sure the contents of <push> is only rendered once.

For example, imagine this Card Component:

<push name="head" once>
<style tailwindcss>
.card {
@apply bg-white rounded-lg shadow-md;
<div class="card">
<!-- ... -->

Looping over this Component will only push that CSS once to the head stack:

<each loop="[1,2,3]">
<x-card />


Props are attributes that can be added to a Component. They can be used to pass data to the Component, or to configure its behavior.

To use props in a Component, you need to define them first. This is done by adding a <script> tag with the props attribute:

<script props>
module.exports = {
title: props.title || 'Default title'
{{ title }}

Props that you pass to the Component will be available in the <script> tag as the props object. In this example we're getting the title prop from props.title, falling back to a default value if it's not provided.

The script uses module.exports to export an object with props as keys. You can use these keys inside the Component through the curly braces syntax, as shown above.

To pass the title prop to the Component, you would use the title attribute:

<x-alert title="Hello, world!" />

Encoding props data

When passing a props object to a Component, you need to encode the values.

For example, these won't work:

<x-alert props='{ "title": "Component's Title" }' />
<x-alert props='{ "title": "Component\'s Title" }' />

But this will:

<x-alert props='{ "title": "Component&#39;s Title" }' />

Aware props

By default, props are scoped to the Component and are not available to nested Components. If you need to change this, you may use the aware: prefix when passing props to a Component:

Consider the following two Components:

<script props>
module.exports = {
title: props.title || 'Default child title'
Title in child: {{ title }}
<script props>
module.exports = {
title: props.title || 'Default parent title'
Title in parent: {{ title }}
<x-child />

If you pass the title to the x-parent Component:

<x-parent title="Hello, world!" />

... the result will be:

Title in parent: Hello, world!
Title in child: Default child title

As you can see, the title prop was not passed down to the x-child Component, and it used the default value instead.

To make sure a prop is passed down to all nested Components, use the aware: prefix:

<x-parent aware:title="Hello, world!" />

Now you'll see the result that you'd expect:

Title in parent: Hello, world!
Title in child: Hello, world!


You may pass HTML attributes to a Component and they will be added to the root element of the Component.

If you want to change the element to which the attributes are added, you can use the attributes attribute:

<td attributes>
<content />

Expressions in attributes

Expressions may be used in a Component's attribute:

title: "Hello, world!"
<x-alert title="{{ page.title }}" />

Attribute removal

The following attributes will be removed from the target element:

  • unknown HTML attributes (see valid-attributes.js)
  • attributes that are defined as props in the Component

Attribute merging

class and style attribute values will be merged with existing ones from the target element. All other attributes will be overwritten.

Safelist attributes

If you need to safelist or even block certain HTML attributes that you pass to a Component, see the Component configuration docs.


When creating a Component, you have access to global page variables:

Building for: {{ page.env }}

Using this <x-example /> Component in a Template will render:

Building for: production
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