Inline CSS

Automatically inline CSS from <style> tags in your HTML emails.

CSS inlining is still important in HTML email, mainly because of Outlook on Windows, which doesn't support multiple classes on elements.

It can also help preserve a decent layout in email clients that do not support embedded CSS (in <style> tags), or when an email is forwarded.

Not to mention that the utility-first approach in Tailwind CSS works great with CSS inlining: utility classes are not 'global', so you won't end up with a font-family inlined on every element.


To enable CSS inlining, simply set inlineCSS to true in your config:

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: true,


If you need control over how your CSS is inlined, you may pass a configuration object to inlineCSS. Doing this in your Environment config.js will enable CSS inlining for all Templates when building for that Environment.


Type: Object
Default: {}

Defines which CSS properties should be duplicated as what HTML attributes.

For example, this property-attribute assignment:

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
styleToAttribute: {
'background-color': 'bgcolor',

... will transform this:

<table class="bg-slate-300">

... into this:

<table bgcolor="#cbd5e1" style="background-color: #cbd5e1">

The available mappings are:

CSS PropertyHTML Attribute


Duplicates specified HTML attributes as inline CSS.

See the documentation here.


Type: Array
Default: []

Array of HTML elements that will receive width attributes based on inline CSS width.

Defaults to an empty array [] so that no width attributes are added.

Works together with styleToAttribute.

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
applyWidthAttributes: ['table', 'td', 'th']


Type: Array
Default: []

Array of HTML elements that will receive height attributes based on inline CSS height.

Defaults to an empty array [] so that no height attributes are added.

Works together with styleToAttribute.

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
applyHeightAttributes: ['table', 'td', 'th']


Define for which elements should Maizzle keep only attribute sizes, like width="" and height="". Elements in these arrays will have their inline CSS widths and heights removed.

It's set to empty arrays by default, so that no elements are affected:

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
keepOnlyAttributeSizes: {
width: [],
height: []

You can add HTML elements like this:

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
keepOnlyAttributeSizes: {
width: ['table', 'td', 'th', 'img', 'video'],
height: ['table', 'td', 'th', 'img', 'video']


Type: Boolean|Array
Default: false

Enable this option to remove any inlined background-color CSS properties but keep any corresponding bgcolor attributes.

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
preferBgColorAttribute: true

You may pass an array of tag names that it should remove the background-color from:

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
preferBgColorAttribute: ['td'] // default: ['body', 'marquee', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'tr']

In the example above, background-color will be removed only from <td> elements.


Type: Array
Default: []

Array of CSS property names that should be excluded from the CSS inlining process.

Names are considered unique, so you will need to specify each one you'd like to exclude.

For example:

module.exports = {
inlineCSS: {
excludedProperties: ['padding', 'padding-left']


Type: Object
Default: { EJS: {}, HBS: {} }

An object where each value has a start and end to specify fenced code blocks that should be ignored during CSS inlining.

By default, EJS and HBS code blocks are ignored:

EJS: { start: '<%', end: '%>' },
HBS: { start: '{{', end: '}}' },

Prevent inlining

Use the data-embed attribute on a <style> tag to prevent Juice from inlining the CSS inside it. Useful for writing email client CSS hacks, or for preserving CSS comments when using the removeCSSComments: false Cleanup option.


You may pass your own CSS to inline through the customCSS option.

If you don't specify customCSS, your HTML string will need to have a <style> with CSS tag in the <head>, so it can be inlined instead.

Additionally, you may configure the Juice library by passing options in the same object.

const {inlineCSS} = require('@maizzle/framework')
const config = {
customCSS: '',
excludedProperties: ['padding', 'padding-left'] // Juice option
const html = await inlineCSS('html string', config)
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