
When compiling your email templates, Maizzle goes through a series of steps like generating a Template config, rendering, or applying Transformers.

You can hook into the build process and manipulate it by using functions that run before or after some of these steps.


You may use Events both when developing locally with the CLI build or serve commands, and when using the API with the render() method.


To use events when developing locally with the CLI commands, add them inside an events object in your config:

module.exports = {
events: {
beforeCreate(config) {
// do stuff with config

API Events

When using the API, add events inside the object that you pass to the render() method:

const Maizzle = require('@maizzle/framework')
html = Maizzle.render(`some HTML string...`, {
tailwind: {},
maizzle: {},
beforeRender(config) {
// ...
).then(({html}) => console.log(html))

Event types

These are the Events that you can use in Maizzle.

The following ones are CLI-only - they run only when added inside the events: {} object in your config.js and when you run one of the build commands:

These always run, every time a Template is compiled:


Runs after the Environment config has been computed, but before Templates are processed. Exposes the config object so you can further customize it.

For example, let's use a custom highlight function for Markdown fenced code blocks:

const Prism = require('prismjs')
module.exports = {
events: {
async beforeCreate(config) {
config = Object.assign(config, {
markdown: {
markdownit: {
highlight: (code, lang) => {
lang = lang || 'html'
return Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[lang], lang)


Runs after the Template's config has been computed, but just before it is compiled. It exposes the Template's config, as well as the HTML.

For (a silly) example, let's fetch data from an API and set it as the preheader text:

const axios = require('axios')
module.exports = {
events: {
async beforeRender(html, config) {
const url = ''
config.preheader = await axios(url).then(result => => 'Could not fetch preheader, using default one.')
// must return `html`
return html

Then, you'd render it in your HTML, like so:

<if condition="page.preheader">
<div class="hidden">{{ page.preheader }}</div>

beforeRender runs for each template that is going to be compiled. For performance reasons, you should only use it if you need access to the config of the Template that is about to be compiled (which includes variables from the Template's Front Matter).


Runs after the Template has been compiled, but before any Transformers have been applied. Exposes the rendered html string and the config.

It's your last chance to alter the HTML or any settings in your config, before Transformers process your email template.

For example, let's disable CSS inlining:

module.exports = {
events: {
afterRender(html, config) {
config.inlineCSS = false
// must return `html`
return html

afterRender runs for each template, right after it has been compiled. Use it only if you need access to the config of the Template that was just compiled.


Runs after all Transformers have been applied, just before the final HTML is returned.

Same as afterRender(), it exposes the html and the config, so you can do further adjustments to the HTML, or read some config settings.

For example, maybe you don't like the minifier that Maizzle includes, and you disabled it in your config so that you can use your own:

const Minifier = require('imaginary-minifier')
module.exports = {
minify: false,
events: {
afterTransformers(html, config) {
if (!config.minify) {
return Minifier.minify(html)
// must return `html`
return html


Runs after all Templates have been compiled and output to disk. The files parameter will contain the paths to all the files inside the destination.path directory.

module.exports = {
events: {
afterBuild(files, config) {

Using it with the Starter, maizzle build production will output:

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